Green production guidelines

Being more sustainable in a production company means being aware of all the hotspots in the various stages of a film production and finding solutions with less impact in our environment.

Our Green Production Guidelines explains how we can reduce our impact, engaging our partners, clients and team members from the start of each project.

  • We recognize that we face a climate crisis and do our best to minimize our impact.

    We consider minority representation on screen very important, so we promote diversity - race, gender, sexual orientation, disability - in our casting.

    We respect and value work-life balance.

    We are not fundamentalists and we recognize our imperfections. Above all, we promote open and respectful communication with everyone.

  • We have adopted a digital workflow.

    We avoid using the printer as much as possible. If necessary, we reuse paper or print on both sides.

    Whenever possible, we prefer meetings via videoconference, avoiding the impact of traveling.

  • We choose modes of transportation that have less environmental impact and best serve the needs of the trip.

    We optimize travel to reduce the number of transport modes involved and the number of trips required.

    When productions take place outside the Lisbon area, we look for accommodation close to the filming locations to reduce the need for transportation as much as possible.

    We inform the crew about environmentally friendly transportation alternatives to the filming locations.

  • We use a 100% renewable energy supplier in our office.

    We use LED lighting in the office as well as during all productions, if possible.

    We avoid the use of generators wherever possible, looking for grid access solutions.

    If new equipment is needed, we search for renting or refurbished solutions.

    When purchasing new equipment, we give preference to the most energy efficient.

    We ensure lights and equipment are always turned off when not in use.

    We use rechargeable batteries.

  • We follow the 5 R's of waste management: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

    We sort waste and organics both in our office and at shooting locations.

  • We prefer to eat at restaurants close to filming locations whenever possible.

    We opt for local and seasonal products and reduce meat consumption.

    We avoid the single use of plastics and other disposable materials.

    We promote the use of reusable bottles and tap water. In the absence of water points, we take a large bottle of water.

    We avoid leftovers by donating surplus food to team members and/or local institutions.

  • We promote, in terms of wardrobe, reuse, rental, loan or second-hand purchase.

    We choose sustainable / certified products.

    We use sustainable fabrics.

    We promote reuse, donation or sale of products at the end of each production.

  • We involve our stakeholders in our green initiatives from the start of each project.

    Depending on the size and needs of each project, we develop a Sustainability Plan with specific actions for each production phase.

    Ideally, the Sustainability Plan is created together with the heads of each production department to ensure that creative and technical needs are respected. At the end of the project, we assess the impact that the Sustainability Plan actually had on the project's production.

    Whenever applicable, we do a carbon calculation for our projects using the European tool Eureca. This allows us to have specific data about the project's carbon footprint and, at the same time, to increase the database on the environmental impact of the audiovisual industry in Europe.